

The world’s top-performing companies are committing to net zero. Normative help them deliver on that promise.

Normative is the world’s first carbon accounting engine, helping businesses calculate their entire climate footprint and reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Powered by its market-leading emissions database, Normative sets a new standard in scientific accuracy for emissions accounting. The company partners with leading climate change organisations, including the UN, to deliver actionable sustainability intelligence.
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Series B



Founded by

Kristian Rönn

Involved since



We believe carbon accounting needs a new norm and Normative is best positioned to build it

With a mission to make known the sustainability impact of all economic activities on the planet Kristian Rönn founded Normative. Focused on helping companies understand their full value chain emissions with scientific accuracy, Normative has built the world largest emission accounting engine and is now becoming the norm for carbon management.

The world has witnessed exponential economic growth, and with it an exponential rise in greenhouse gas emissions. Now is the time for exponential climate action. With a world class leadership team and strong partners, we believe Normative will be an instrumental part of this shift.

Future Five is engaged in building Normative with Kasper Hulthin as Executive Chairperson

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